Friday, May 15, 2015

7 Tips to Prevent Stroke Easy And Effective

Friend, health tips. Stroke is a medical disorder that can threaten the life of each person. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main causes of stroke. Definition of stroke itself is rupture of blood vessels or blood arteries leading to the brain organ. As a result, some of the nervous system in the brain certainly also be disrupted. So there are some people who suddenly difficult speaking or moving the body parts and the risk of sudden death when stroke. There are various steps or easy tips to prevent the deadly stroke. So, what are the tips to prevent stroke are easier and more effective .... ???

    A stroke can strike adolescents, adults and the elderly both men and women. Began to change unhealthy lifestyle yourself is the key to ward off or prevent the stroke. You can start by doing a variety of healthful physical activity, do not be lazy to exercise and eat a variety of foods that are healthy for the body and all the organs in your body. Health tips, the following tips to prevent stroke are easy and effective:
  1. Set your Daily Sports Schedule. Sport is one of the healthy physical activity throughout your body. Exercise will also nourish the heart organ and normalize blood pressure. So from that, spend time in the morning to exercise regularly.
  2. Have Weight The Normal Or Ideal. Too thin nor too fat also is not good for your health. Obesity also increases the risk of stroke is higher.
  3. Consumption of Various Food Healthy Every Day. In this case, various kinds of fruits and a variety of green leafy vegetables are very good to meet your body's nutritional needs. In addition, both types of healthy foods that can prevent a person from a stroke.

This is the 7 Most Important Nutrition For Pregnant Mothers

Friend, health tips. Pregnant or containing a fetus is a most awaited moment for the newlyweds and couples who have not been blessed with a child. Not infrequently, the husband screaming hysterically (very happy), when the beloved wife of a baby who had expected his presence. The wife was no less excited by the moment. To keep healthy baby when the womb of a mother, then the mother and the husband should pay attention to a variety of nutrients needed by pregnant women and their unborn children are. So, what are essential nutrients for pregnant women .... ???

Adequate nutrition during pregnancy is the most important thing that should not be overlooked and underestimated. If ignored, it is possible to reach a wide range of grievances felt by pregnant women as well as the occurrence of various abnormalities in babies born. It is certainly not expected to occur in the mother or your wife. For this reason, began to recognize and know the various nutrients needed by the mother understood a very important thing. Health tips, the following seven most important nutrients needed by pregnant women:
  1. Foods Containing Protein. In this case, the mother understood should meet protein needs as much as 75 to 100 grams of protein per day. Protein function, namely to the growth of fetal tissue and increased blood supply of the expectant mother. A variety of protein foods are fish, chicken, nuts and out.
  2. Foods Containing Calcium. 1,000 milligrams of calcium a necessity for pregnant women per day. Calcium function itself which is to begin to build bone in the fetus and help the growth of the tooth buds in infants. Food sources of calcium are milk, eggs, tofu and cabbage.

7 Tips easiest Prevent Deadly Skin Cancer

Friend, health tips. "From Day To Day, Weather Hotter Only.", Maybe that's what many complained of by most of us who live in this age. Headache and nasal discomfort while taking a breather is some complaints that often occur as a result of the weather getting hot. So blistering sunlight and heat can also be a cause of skin cancer that can be lurking and threatening everyone. Then, is there any tips easiest prevent the deadly skin cancer .... ???

      Hearing the word "cancer" into a matter that does not want to be experienced by everyone. Not a few of the human population on earth died due to various types of cancer that attacks some part of his body. Prevention and early detection is a proven solution to ward off diseases such cancer. In the discussion this time will present some tips that can be done to prevent cancer, especially skin cancer. Health tips, here are 7 tips easiest prevent the deadly skin cancer:
  1. Try Not Exposure to Sunlight In The Rush Hour Day. In fact, the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun is very dangerous if exposed to the skin of your body. The solution, as far as possible avoid to come out in the open during the hours of 10 am to 4 pm.
  2. Try Wearing Apparel Closed To Protect Your Body. If the job force you to get out in the open. It is advisable to wear a thick jacket and all the equipment that can cover most of your skin. So it can protect the body from harmful UV rays that trigger the skin cancer.
  3. Wear Hats That Can Protect Your Head And Face. In fact, as if the hat began to be abandoned by most of us, for reasons of damage hairstyle and is not trendy anymore. Though wearing a hat when out in the open air is very effective to protect your head and face from the harmful ultraviolet rays.