Wednesday, May 13, 2015

6 Easy Tips To Stay Younger And Healthier

Friend, Health Tips. Ageless is a dream of every person, including you. This is because, when age has been stepped up, a lot of signs of aging on our skin. Such signs such as the presence of wrinkles, fine lines on the bottom of the eyes, skin feels dull and loose skin visible. Then, is there any easy tips to stay young is easy .... ????

Lots of healthy tips we can do to keep a youthful look. A healthy lifestyle is a step that you can do to stay young in a healthy way as well. Therefore, health tips this time will address some easy tips you can do to always stay young and healthy. Health tips, here are 6 easy tips to stay young :
  1. Stress is one factor that can accelerate the aging person. Tips you can do that is by doing meditation for 10 minutes a day to sit in a place that you think is most quiet, close your eyes, relax all muscles, and breathe deeply.
  2. By consuming foods that contain omega-3. These foods are salmon, walnuts and seeds. This is because, foods that contain omega-3 can help you to prevent the signs of aging. Functions of omega-3 are actually keeping you in order to remain always healthy and always make your skin glow.
  3. When age has stepped up the signs of aging begin to appear. Not only on your skin but also begun loosening the muscles of your spine. So sport is healthy tips that can tighten the muscles of your spine. You can do aktvitas exercise by walking or other physical activity for approximately 20 minutes in a day or a week. Its main function is that it can tighten the muscles and make your bones healthy.
  4. The next tips by doing yoga, Yoga is an activity where the focus all five senses to control the mind and body as a whole. The function of this yoga is that it can also prevent the signs of premature aging and make you younger.
  5. By eating a variety of foods that can make you more healthy and youthful. One of them is the pomegranate. Pomegranate proved to have great benefits for our health. Pomegranate function of protecting the skin damage caused by UV rays, lowering cholesterol levels in our body and also lower blood pressure and prevent you from various cancers are harmful to your body.
  6. At a young age, the brain will work optimally to remember things. With with age, the ability of the brain would be even lower than when you are young. According to a recent study, drinking one cup of green tea a day can improve your brain memory begins to decline it.

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