Friday, May 15, 2015

7 Tips to Prevent Stroke Easy And Effective

Friend, health tips. Stroke is a medical disorder that can threaten the life of each person. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main causes of stroke. Definition of stroke itself is rupture of blood vessels or blood arteries leading to the brain organ. As a result, some of the nervous system in the brain certainly also be disrupted. So there are some people who suddenly difficult speaking or moving the body parts and the risk of sudden death when stroke. There are various steps or easy tips to prevent the deadly stroke. So, what are the tips to prevent stroke are easier and more effective .... ???

    A stroke can strike adolescents, adults and the elderly both men and women. Began to change unhealthy lifestyle yourself is the key to ward off or prevent the stroke. You can start by doing a variety of healthful physical activity, do not be lazy to exercise and eat a variety of foods that are healthy for the body and all the organs in your body. Health tips, the following tips to prevent stroke are easy and effective:
  1. Set your Daily Sports Schedule. Sport is one of the healthy physical activity throughout your body. Exercise will also nourish the heart organ and normalize blood pressure. So from that, spend time in the morning to exercise regularly.
  2. Have Weight The Normal Or Ideal. Too thin nor too fat also is not good for your health. Obesity also increases the risk of stroke is higher.
  3. Consumption of Various Food Healthy Every Day. In this case, various kinds of fruits and a variety of green leafy vegetables are very good to meet your body's nutritional needs. In addition, both types of healthy foods that can prevent a person from a stroke.

This is the 7 Most Important Nutrition For Pregnant Mothers

Friend, health tips. Pregnant or containing a fetus is a most awaited moment for the newlyweds and couples who have not been blessed with a child. Not infrequently, the husband screaming hysterically (very happy), when the beloved wife of a baby who had expected his presence. The wife was no less excited by the moment. To keep healthy baby when the womb of a mother, then the mother and the husband should pay attention to a variety of nutrients needed by pregnant women and their unborn children are. So, what are essential nutrients for pregnant women .... ???

Adequate nutrition during pregnancy is the most important thing that should not be overlooked and underestimated. If ignored, it is possible to reach a wide range of grievances felt by pregnant women as well as the occurrence of various abnormalities in babies born. It is certainly not expected to occur in the mother or your wife. For this reason, began to recognize and know the various nutrients needed by the mother understood a very important thing. Health tips, the following seven most important nutrients needed by pregnant women:
  1. Foods Containing Protein. In this case, the mother understood should meet protein needs as much as 75 to 100 grams of protein per day. Protein function, namely to the growth of fetal tissue and increased blood supply of the expectant mother. A variety of protein foods are fish, chicken, nuts and out.
  2. Foods Containing Calcium. 1,000 milligrams of calcium a necessity for pregnant women per day. Calcium function itself which is to begin to build bone in the fetus and help the growth of the tooth buds in infants. Food sources of calcium are milk, eggs, tofu and cabbage.

7 Tips easiest Prevent Deadly Skin Cancer

Friend, health tips. "From Day To Day, Weather Hotter Only.", Maybe that's what many complained of by most of us who live in this age. Headache and nasal discomfort while taking a breather is some complaints that often occur as a result of the weather getting hot. So blistering sunlight and heat can also be a cause of skin cancer that can be lurking and threatening everyone. Then, is there any tips easiest prevent the deadly skin cancer .... ???

      Hearing the word "cancer" into a matter that does not want to be experienced by everyone. Not a few of the human population on earth died due to various types of cancer that attacks some part of his body. Prevention and early detection is a proven solution to ward off diseases such cancer. In the discussion this time will present some tips that can be done to prevent cancer, especially skin cancer. Health tips, here are 7 tips easiest prevent the deadly skin cancer:
  1. Try Not Exposure to Sunlight In The Rush Hour Day. In fact, the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun is very dangerous if exposed to the skin of your body. The solution, as far as possible avoid to come out in the open during the hours of 10 am to 4 pm.
  2. Try Wearing Apparel Closed To Protect Your Body. If the job force you to get out in the open. It is advisable to wear a thick jacket and all the equipment that can cover most of your skin. So it can protect the body from harmful UV rays that trigger the skin cancer.
  3. Wear Hats That Can Protect Your Head And Face. In fact, as if the hat began to be abandoned by most of us, for reasons of damage hairstyle and is not trendy anymore. Though wearing a hat when out in the open air is very effective to protect your head and face from the harmful ultraviolet rays.

7 Easy Tips To Prevent Breast Cancer Effective

Friend, health tips. Breast cancer is a disease would be one that does not want to hear or suffered by all women worldwide. In fact, breast cancer is one of the dangerous and deadly disease for the sufferer. Another fact, one of eight women at higher risk of breast cancer. To prevent or reduce the risk of breast cancer should be through action by adopting a healthy lifestyle right. Then, is there any easy tips to prevent breast cancer more effectively .... ???.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) on tahaun 2011 that more than 508 thousand women die worldwide as a result of breast cancer. Prevention prioritized on two things: to adopt a healthy lifestyle and early pendektesian against the risk of breast cancer. The method of applying a healthy lifestyle can easily be done by all women to prevent breast cancer. Health tips, the following easy tips that effectively prevent breast cancer:
  1. Begin Providing Time To Exercise. A lot of health benefits that can be obtained from the sport. And more importantly, the sport is able to degrade yourself affected by breast cancer. Morning exercise as well as more active every day are two of the most recommended.
  2. Begin Paying attention to food consumption. In this case, eating a variety of healthy foods should be a top priority. Various fruits and green vegetables contain vitamins, fiber, and high in antioxidants that are proven effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer.
  3. Inadequate Sleep Clock Night you. Indeed aimed night's sleep for physical rest and minds of various activities during the day. But make no mistake, for those with less sleep at night are at risk of developing breast cancer is greater. Try for a good night's sleep at least 6 hours each night.

7 Foods Powerful Prevent Anemia Symptoms

Anemia or better known as the symptoms of anemia often complained of by most of us. Have you ever experienced the symptoms of anemia ... ???. Definition of anemia itself is if the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood decreases or lower. Not a few of the women who complained of the symptoms of anemia. Start as early as possible to prevent the symptoms of anemia can be done easily through a variety of healthy foods. So, what are healthy foods that are proven effective in preventing anemia is ... ???.

     Friend, health tips. Symptoms of anemia are common and often mnncul are tired, lethargic, weak or even appear swelling in the hands and feet, shortness of breath and blood in the stool. Even so, you are strongly advised to consult a doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing. There are many different causes of anemia is deficiency (iron, vitamin B12, folic acid), smoking, age and arthritis aging. Various types of food proved effective in preventing symptoms of anemia on yourself. Here are 7 foods less effective in preventing anemia or blood:
  1. Spinach. This is one kind of green leafy vegetables that are proven effective in preventing anemia. This is because, spinach contains a number of iron needed by your body. In half a cup of boiled spinach contains 3.2 mg of iron. So they want to skip the spinach as a vegetable menu at your dinner table ... ???.
  2. Red Meat. Meat menu is also highly recommended to be consumed by you and your beloved family. Assorted meat (beef, lamb and other red meat) is very rich in iron that is needed by the body. Even so, not too excessive in taking it.
  3. Tomatoes. One fruit is highly recommended for consumption is tomatoes. Tomato fruit contains vitamin C is high enough. Vitamin C in tomatoes is very help facilitate in the absorption of iron is needed by the body.

These 7 Tips For Nine Hours Sleep Night Every Day

"Sleepless Night" is one of the mandatory activities that must become our habit every day. With a good night's sleep, then certainly all activities and work in the morning can be done with passion burning. In fact, modern lifestyles have undermined and made a night's sleep schedule into disarray. It would be a serious problem for health in the short term and long term. Then, is there any tips to bed earlier or nine at night every day ... ???.

    Friend, health tips. Not a few of us who have a problem with a lack of hours of sleep that night. Keasyikkan staying up with friends, the stress of work and fun to play gadgets (mobile phones and laptops) into several causes of the lack of hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep at night also have an impact on health as increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke and diabetes. Therefore, the necessary concrete steps to improve your night's sleep schedule. Here are 7 tips to sleep nine hours a night every day:
  1. Relax. In this case, you have to relax the body and mind by stopping all of the activities and the work being done half an hour before closing your eyes. This is important, because with a calm mind and body relax, activity nights sleep so much easier.
  2. Turn off the gadget. Should also begin to disable or turn off the gadgets (smartphone) you have before going to bed. The tendency to continue to play a favorite gadget will make routine night's sleep to be disturbed.
  3. Keep gadget. If you do not want to turn off the gadgets (smartphone), then you should keep him away from the reach of your hand. You can be placed in a table or a chair away from the mattress where you lay down to rest at night.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Here's 7 Easy Tips To Prevent Osteoporosis In Women Bone

"Osteoporosis" often or maybe you've never heard this term in your life. Laymen call osteoporosis the symptoms of bone loss when age began to mature and ripen. The women and men are equally susceptible to osteoporosis. Even so, women have the greatest risk of experiencing problems such bone loss. Preventing osteoporosis early of course to be conducted from now on. So, what are the tips to prevent osteoporosis in women ... ???.

     Friend, health tips. Bone is the most important part to support the human body. However, with age increasing, gradually undergo bone loss and lead to brittle bones. Especially women who started at the age of 30 years should begin real steps to maintain healthy bones. Regular exercise or physical activity and consume food that takes the bones must be your daily menu. Here are 7 tips to prevent osteoporosis in women bone:
  1. Fulfill Needs Calcium. There are many different types of foods that contain calcium such as low-fat milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables (spinach, mustard greens), sardines and cereals. With inadequate calcium needs, it can prevent your bone loss.
  2. Fulfill Needs Vitamin D. Vitamin D is used to assist in the absorption of calcium needed by your body. Morning sun is a source of vitamin D. Other sources of vitamin D are fish (salmon, tuna), eggs and yogurt.
  3. Weight control. In this case, keep your body weight within the recommended or proportional. This is because, a person who is too skinny at risk of bone loss or osteoporosis is greater. Consult your doctor about weight in proportion to your age.
  4. Stop From Smoking. According to researchers from the Royal Melbourne Hospital in Australia, smoking habits at great risk to a person exposed to fracture easily. So start a healthy lifestyle by avoiding bad habits such as smoking.

7 Fresh Food Experience as a Source of Antioxidants


Antioxidants are one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. This is because, one of the main roles of antioxidants that prevent cell damage caused by free radicals that can enter a person's body. Free radicals are mixed with the oxygen we breathe can be a trigger for some types of cancer. A variety of healthy foods are proven to counteract free radicals. So, what are healthy foods that have a natural source of antioxidants that ... ???.

    Friend, health tips. The air is clean and free of pollution it's been very difficult to obtain, especially in urban areas. This may be due to inadequate municipal park plus the increasing number of motorcycles and cars that create pollution through the release of smoke. This has become one of the triggers of the air we breathe is contaminated (mixed) free radicals. Antioxidant nutrients is needed to fight free radicals that enter the body. Here are 7 fresh food as a source of natural antioxidants:
  1. Tomatoes. Fruit that has the physical characteristics and red colored round proved to be extremely effective to counteract free radicals that enter the body. This is because, tomatoes contain lycopene, which is quite high. The main function of lycopene is as anticancer agents..
  2. Garlic. One of these herbs have a fairly complete nutritional content such as vitamin A, B, C, selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Various nutrients is what makes garlic as a source of antioxidants that can counter free radicals.
  3. Green Tea. Like tea ... ???. Tea, especially green tea was also very nice to counteract free radicals. This is because, green tea contains catechin polyphenols source proven effective in preventing cancer. Highly recommended to drink three (3) cups of green tea every day.

This is the 7 Habits Trigger Obesity

Friend, Health Tips. Has an ideal body weight is the dream of everyone. But in reality, many of us who turned out to have a body that is far from ideal. In this case, they have a body that is too thin or too fat instead. Especially for obesity, many factors or habits that caused it. So, what are the factors or bad habits that trigger obesity ... ???

        One habit that triggers obesity is eating fatty foods in excessive amounts. But not only the habit triggers obesity. Health tips, this time will address an article about some of the bad habits that is the trigger obesity itself. Health tips. Following this, 7 bad habits that lead to obesity are: 
  1. Consuming low-fat foods in excessive amounts. This is because the slogan of food low-fat or fat-free. So we unknowingly consume low fat foods such excess amounts. Thus triggering the body fatness.
  2. Doing a diet without ever involving a nutritionist. Because involving dietitians can provide some food alternative that is in need for a program of diet you are doing. So the diet program that you can do in accordance with what you expect.
  3. The third bad habit that is often reduced hours of sleep a night you are doing. In this case, have a habit of sleeping less than 8 hours a day or every night. Reduced hours of sleep a night, you can lead a weak penimbunana excess in your body.
  4. The next bad habit is eating or drinking carbonated beverages in excessive amounts. In this case, take one or two cans of soda per day will increase the risk of obesity in your body.
  5. Has a bad habit is eating with very hurry. This is because, ate in a hurry can add 66 calories in a person's body than those who eat slowly.

7 Easy Tips for Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

Tips Keeping Kidneys. Health becomes an invaluable treasure for us. This can be a time when we feel pain conditions. Because if we are sick will spend the time and cost is not small. Therefore, we should keep our body health mainly kidneys.

Friend, health tips. Kidneys are vital organs in our body. This is because the kidneys as an organ fungis important role in regulating the acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells, helps maintain calcium for bones. Once the magnitude of the role of the kidneys for our bodies. Health tips will discuss Smart Practices Maintain Kidney Health:
  1. Regularly And Nutritious eating. Adjust your diet is a powerful tips to maintain and care for the health of your kidneys. Choose foods such as fruits, vegetables are planted with no chemical fertilizers (organic), and stay away from processed foods, reduce excessive salt intake, and consume fish or white meat without fat.
  2. Keep Digestion. Keeping digestion is a step that is recommended to maintain the health of your kidneys. This can be done by increasing the consumption of probiotic and prebiotic foods and foods that have or are rich in fiber which is quite high.
  3. Quit Smoking. Stop smoking is the next step which is the recommended to maintain the health of your kidneys. This is because, the nicotine in cigarettes plays an important role in kidney disorders that you will experience.

6 Easy Tips To Stay Younger And Healthier

Friend, Health Tips. Ageless is a dream of every person, including you. This is because, when age has been stepped up, a lot of signs of aging on our skin. Such signs such as the presence of wrinkles, fine lines on the bottom of the eyes, skin feels dull and loose skin visible. Then, is there any easy tips to stay young is easy .... ????

Lots of healthy tips we can do to keep a youthful look. A healthy lifestyle is a step that you can do to stay young in a healthy way as well. Therefore, health tips this time will address some easy tips you can do to always stay young and healthy. Health tips, here are 6 easy tips to stay young :
  1. Stress is one factor that can accelerate the aging person. Tips you can do that is by doing meditation for 10 minutes a day to sit in a place that you think is most quiet, close your eyes, relax all muscles, and breathe deeply.
  2. By consuming foods that contain omega-3. These foods are salmon, walnuts and seeds. This is because, foods that contain omega-3 can help you to prevent the signs of aging. Functions of omega-3 are actually keeping you in order to remain always healthy and always make your skin glow.
  3. When age has stepped up the signs of aging begin to appear. Not only on your skin but also begun loosening the muscles of your spine. So sport is healthy tips that can tighten the muscles of your spine. You can do aktvitas exercise by walking or other physical activity for approximately 20 minutes in a day or a week. Its main function is that it can tighten the muscles and make your bones healthy.
  4. The next tips by doing yoga, Yoga is an activity where the focus all five senses to control the mind and body as a whole. The function of this yoga is that it can also prevent the signs of premature aging and make you younger.

6 Quick Tips To Not Senile Or Often Forgotten

Quick Tips To Not Senile. Having a good memory is a dream of everyone. But on the other hand, there are some of us who often forget to remember things that are important in our lives. The age factor is one of the causes of often we forget at some point. Many people who call the symptoms of dementia. Is there ever experienced forget or even often forgotten in some ways .... ???. 6 Quick Tips To Not senile or often forgotten.

Friend, health tips. Every human brain memory is increasingly decreases with increasing age factor. We can see in fact, older people often say about the same thing over and over again without knowing it, he had already said it recently. We also see older people always forget to put the goods which he put himself. But the truth is not only affected by their parents or dementia symptoms forget it. Many of us who have a relatively young age also often forget or senile. Therefore, health tips this time will address an article about seven tips that do not go senile or often forget. Here are 7 tips to avoid senile or often forget:
  1. Perform Brain Gymnastics. First tip is to do brain gym. Brain exercise we can do with the way we train the brain to remember something. Like the name 10 of your school friends are very close to you, mentioning 10 song titles that you enjoy doing at this time, or other things that you can set yourself. The point is to try to remember to remember something you already know before.
  2. Consuming Brain Food. The second tips is to consume a variety of foods that can help to nourish your brain. These foods such as blueberries, beet, onion, broccoli and bananas. These foods are very good for your brain menurtisi quickly so as not senile or often forget.

Powerful Tips to Remove Acne Naturally

Friend, Health Tips. Has a face that is clean and free of acne is the dream of everyone. Acne can indeed damage the handsome and beautiful face us. Various ways sometimes we do to eliminate stubborn acne .. Not infrequently, eating small cost just to get rid of the acne. Then, is there any tips to eliminate acne naturally potent ... ????

Actually there are a variety of ways or tips that we can do to get rid of acne on the face us. With a very natural way without spending exorbitant costs that can make waste course. Therefore, health tips this time will address an article about tips potent rid of acne naturally. Health tips, the following tips potent rid of acne naturally:
  1.     Try to reduce the consumption of foods that contain lots of fat such as nuts, chocolate and a variety of other foods that contain lots of fat. The amount of fat in the body causes the body to produce excess oil. The excess oil will clog the pores of the skin and eventually will form a blob and will invite bacteria Propionibacterium, the bacteria that cause acne.
  2.     Try to increase the consumption of foods that contain lots of fiber such as fruits and vegetables. This is because, fibrous foods will dissolve the bad fats in the body. So that the oil levels in the body, too, is reduced including the content of excess oil on our skin.
  3.     Try to meet the needs of fluids in our body. In this case the water with the needs 8 glasses per day. White water function is to help the regeneration of the skin and also clean the dirt in the body, including acne.

7 Natural Foods To Smooth Your Blood Circulation

Friend, health tips. The body is always healthy to be the hope of all people on this planet. A variety of healthy lifestyle become mandatory daily routine of every individual in every age. A healthy lifestyle is actually fairly easy, if someone exercising and eating a variety of healthy foods, the body will experience an increase in better health. Talking about healthy food, it turns out there are many different types of foods that can help improve the circulation of blood flow throughout your body. Then, what natural foods can accelerate the blood circulation .... ???

Blood became one of the fluids that have vital functions in the body of every living thing, including humans. The blood that flows in the body carries oxygen and food juices throughout the organs in the body. So that the liquid called blood can flow smoothly throughout the body, we must keep the blood circulation process can take place smoothly and well. In fact, there are various types of food that helps blood circulation in the body, health tips, here are 7 natural foods your blood circulation:
  1.     Citrus fruits. Of course this is not a foreign fruit on the tongue of every person. Fruits are a source of vitamin C can prevent blood clotting, helps strengthen the capillary walls and prevent plaque in the arteries.
  2.     Garlic. Garlic become one rempahan herbs are also one of the herbs to flavor a variety of dishes. In addition, garlic is also able to clean the blood and plays an important role in the prevention of plaque on artery walls.
  3.     Assorted Red Fruit. Red fruits include watermelon, tomatoes and red apples. Lycopene in the fruit third beneficial in improving the blood circulation in your body lasts.
  4.     Salmon fish. These fish species have adequate omega-3 fatty acid content that plays a major role in improving the blood circulation which will be supplied to all parts of the body.
  5.     Avocado fruit. Besides being rich in fiber that your body needs, it turns avocados also contain omega 3 fatty acids which also has the function to help facilitate the flow of blood circulation in the body.
  6.     Black chocolate. These foods rich in flavonoids which are needed by your body. One fnngsi flavonoid that helps facilitate blood circulation which will be distributed to all parts of the body organs.
  7.     Ginger. Ginger is a medicinal plant that has long been believed to have remarkable properties in alternative natural medicine. Apparently, one of the benefits ginger can also help blood circulation in the body.

This is the 7 Best Foods For Your Body

Friend, health tips. Healthy food is one of the most important factors to keep the body to keep it healthy and fit. At this day and age, many of us who do not care about what is needed by the body and just think only the origin of satiety during meals morning, noon and night. In fact, the human body needs a variety of important nutrients contained in the food consumed for health. So, what are appropriate and the best food to keep body is always healthy throughout the day ... ???

Choosing nutritious foods and contain a variety of nutrients to the body is easy bother. This is because, different types of food consumption usually contain nutrients that are good for one organ alone. So it is important to know the different types of food is needed by all the organs of your body. Health tips, following the best food for a healthy body:
  1.     Various types of fruits. Fruits are excellent for nourishing your body. This is because, various fruits are a source of fiber and vitamin C which serves to keep the immune system to keep it healthy, fit and fit throughout the day.
  2.     Various types of fish. This is because, different types of fish such as tuna and sardines contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids Omega 3 fatty acids that serve to maintain the health of your heart organ.
  3.     Assorted greens. Spinach is one of the most important foods to meet nutritional requirements needed by the brain organ. This is because, spinach contains vitamin B9 that play a role in improving the memory capacity of the brain associated with intelligence itself.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Christmas Trifle Recipe

CHRISTMAS Making Materials triffle:
  • 10 slices of sponge layer
  • 50 100 cc rhum, according to taste
  • 200 strawberry jam
  • 3 tablespoons hot water
  • Fresh strawberries for garnish, cut into pieces
Vla material:
  • 500 cc of milk
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 30 g cornstarch
  • 3 4 tablespoons of rhum
Whipped Cream Ingredients:
  • 100 grams of powdered whipped cream, whipped until stiff joint 200 cc cold milk (5o C)
How to Make CHRISTMAS triffle:
  1.     From custard filling material: Dilute cornstarch with a little milk, set aside.
  2.     Beat the egg yolks, add 50 75 cc of milk, stir well and set aside.
  3.     Boil the remaining milk and sugar, after boiling, mix the cornstarch solution while diadukaduk, then add the egg yolk solution, adukaduk quickly until blended.
  4.      After boiling, remove from heat and set aside while sekalisekali stirring so as not to clot, rhum mix, stir and set aside.
  5.      Solution: 5-piece set surabaya layer on a serving container base, spread with 1/2 part rhum, give half portions of jam on top of the cake, cover again with 1/2 part custard filling.
  6.      Rearrange the rest of the cake, rhum, jam and custard filling as the previous layer. After that, cover with whipped cream sprayed, and garnish with fresh strawberries.

Recipe Soup Gindara

Materials Sop Gindara:

200 g meat gindara
150 g fresh sweet corn, comb
750 ml water
2 tablespoons celery slices, sprinkle
1 tablespoon margarine for frying

Soup Seasoning Gindara:

1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tsp pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 tbsp fish sauce

How to make meatballs Gindara:
Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a saucepan, stir-fry seasoning soup gindara until wilted and fragrant.
Add beef and gindara water, boiled meat and gindara tender.
Enter sweet corn comb, cook until cooked corn. lift.
Serve hot sprinkled with celery leaves.

Recipe Steak Gindara Mushroom Sauce

Materials Stick Gindara Mushroom Sauce:

750 g meat gindara
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon of oil for greasing
200 g of beans, boiled, cut into 5 cm
200 g carrots, boiled, cut into pieces
300g potatoes, peeled, sliced, and fried

Mushroom Sauce Ingredients:

3 tablespoons chopped onion
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon ground black pepper chopped
1 tsp salt
3 tablespoons soy sauce
250 ml chicken stock / meat
100 g mushroom, sliced
2 tbsp oil for frying
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg smooth

How to make Gindara Steak Mushroom Sauce:
  Mushroom Sauce: Heat oil in a nonstick skillet, saute onion, garlic until wilted and aroma out. Enter mushrooms, pepper, nutmeg, soy, and salt, and stir while pouring the broth little by little until the mushrooms and broth cooked evenly. lift dn set aside.
Cut the meat into gindara 5 pieces (2 cm thick), then wash and drain.
Balur fish with salt, lemon juice, and pepper. let stand for 1 hour.
Bake in a grill or non-stick frying pan until lightly browned and softened.
Serve steaks with fries gindara, beans, carrots and boiled, and mushroom sauce, and mayonnaise.

Mini Donut Dip Recipe

Donuts served in a paper cup as it looks different from the usual donuts we enjoy or we make. Which makes this is a soft textured snack cheese flavor in it. Serve for a snack or a social gathering for a snack in the afternoon.

Ingredients / spices Donat Mini Bags:

300 grams of high-protein flour
1 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast
1 egg
35 grams sugar
20 grams of milk powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
125 ml of ice water
30 grams of margarine
1/2 teaspoon salt
oil for frying

Mini Cheese Dip dye Donat:

150 ml liquid milk
100 grams of grated cheese

Sprinkles Doughnut Mini Bags:

1 teaspoon powdered cheese

How to Make a Mini Dipping Donuts:
Mix flour, yeast, sugar and powdered milk. Stir well.
Add eggs. Stir well. Pour ice water a little while diuleni until smooth. Enter margarine and salt. Knead until elastic. Let stand 15 minutes.
Dough. Weigh 15 grams each. Round it off. Let stand 10 minutes.
Flatten dough. Round it off again. Let stand 30 minutes until puffed on a baking sheet that is sown flour.
Fried in solid oils that have been heated over medium heat until cooked. Set aside.
Dye cheese, mix milk and grated cheese. Stir until dissolved.
Serve donut after cheese dipped in dye. Sprinkle powdered cheese.